Given the fact METAFLUIDICS is an interdisciplinary project with innovation as a key driver to find industrially relevant products, the consortium has designed an external advisory board that incorporates the following relevant members of industry:
Dr. habil. Pablo Domínguez de María studied Pharmacy and Chemistry in Madrid, where he also completed his PhD in Pharmacy, in the area of Biocatalysis (2002). He worked as a scientist at Degussa AG in Germany (2003-2004) and at AkzoNobel BV in the Netherlands (2005-2009), acquiring multidisciplinary expertise in catalysis, White Biotechnology, and in topics related to the bio-based society and bioeconomy. He then joined the Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry (ITMC) of the RWTH Aachen University (Germany), to lead a group focusing on biotransformations, organocatalysis, lignocellulose-processing and biofuels (2009-2014). In 2015, he successfully defended his Habilitation Thesis at the RWTH Aachen (Title: “Bio-based catalysis for petroleum-free biorefineries and fine chemicals”). Since 2014 he is the Founder and CEO of Sustainable Momentum, SL ( Among other activities within his firm, he recently edited the book “Industrial Biorenewables”, where industrial scientists provide first hand thoughts on the practical implementation of different biorefinery concepts (,subjectCd-EG30.html)
- Dr Lutz Jermutus (Senior Director and Global Head of Technology, managing next-generation biologics technologies including non-antibody biologics) of MedImmune (UK; part of AstraZeneca)
The advisory board will provide invaluable counsel on industrial impact of the MetaFluidics outputs. Due to their external character to the Consortium, the external advisors do not vote, but they contribute to discussion.